Discord Mudae Bot (Features, Commands and Setup)

With 30’000+ users using it, Mudae Bot is an entertaining discord bot. It is most famous for its character roulette game which includes a wide choice of characters (approximately 60’000 waifu and husbando characters) from various games, manga, anime of the mudae series, etc. If you’ve heard of the OWO Bot or use it on your server, you should know that the two bots are affiliates.

Created by use snya#1522, other than the character roulette games, it offers a range of mini-games and many other commands and features that are very helpful and fun to use for its users. As you read this article further, it will guide you about the popular discord mudae bot, its stand-out features and commands, and how to add it to your server.

Awesome features of mudae bot

Famous for its character Roulette games and many other standout features, Mudae Bot is a very fun bot to add to your server especially, if you’re looking to have a good time.

It offers:

  • 60’000 waifu and husbando characters from various games, manga, anime, etc.
  • 250’000 images and gifs
  • Ability to customize waifu features.
  • Ability to collect keys and kakera and use them to improve your harem.
  • The feature of using multi-player to fight with your characters.
  • Feature of catching Pokémon at rocket casino
  • Various original multi-player games that are word-based and multi-quiz
  • Anime-related quotes and literature and character searches of different anime/pokemon etc.
  • Instant Access to Hundreds of useful commands using the command $help
  • Regular updates based on user feedback to keep the Mudae Bot up-to-date and user-friendly. E.g., As of May 29, 2021, over 4000 new characters have been added.

Discord Mudae Bot Commands

Waifu Roulette

This includes the following commands

  • Swaifu ($W)
  • SHusbando ($H)
  • smarry ($M)

These commands can be used to generate and claim SWaifus and sHusbandos that you can marry. The commands include characters from both manga and game. Using the ‘g’ key, you can either roll a game or a manga character. Using the ‘x’ key, you can roll both simultaneously.

Harem Arrangement

This includes the following commands

$my marry ($mm): These can be used to access the inventory of your conquests.

$marry exchange: This command can be used to exchange characters with the mentioned players. You may even add kakera with your character.

$give: This command can be used to gift a character to a mentioned character. The rule is that you receive a gift every12 hours. An unlimited option is available if both the players gift 8000 kakera.

$first marry ($fm): You may switch or change up your waifu/husband pairing and put it up for display.

$sort marry ($sm): using this command, you can sort out your waifu/husband pairing. You can sort them based on the Harem flag, series, Harem Note, alphabetically, ascending or descending order, etc.

$divorce : You can divorce one or even multiple characters and receive their value in kakera.

$profile: Using this command, you can display your server profile or ID using or

Search commands

$infomarry ($im): This command is used to search for a character;

$infomarrya ($ima): You can search for a series using this command

$left: This command tells you about the number of characters left.

$fn: Using the $note command, you can find notes using this command.

$fnall: Using this command, you can find notes in any harem of the server.

$top: This command displays the top 1000 characters.

$topserv: This command shows the server ranking of characters.

$overview: This command gives an overview of the list of all commands.

$bonus: This command gives a list of all unlocked bonuses.

Customization commands

$note $ ($n): Using this command, you add a note with a message next to your character in your Harem.

$changeimg $: Using this command, you add a main image of your character.

$addimg $ ($ai): Using this command, you can add a custom image for your character.

$addinglist ($ail): This command displays a server list of all images collection.

$randomimg: This command displays random images for your rolls.

Utility Command

$marryup ($mu): This command displays the time remaining before your next claim.

$rollsup ($ru): This command displays the rolls left before the next reset.

$timersup ($tu): Flag’s List

These commands involve using letters to denote commands.


W = waifu

H = husband

WH = both waifu and husbando

A =series list

A+ = series names

B = series bundles

P =character search if you type some text

Moderation Commands

$forcedivorce : Using this command, only the admin can release a character.

$cleanuser : Using this command, you can reset the harem and user wishes.

$userdivorce : This command lets you reset the harem of the owner of a character.

$thanos : This command lets you divorce half of the user’s harem.

$thanosall: This command lets you divorce half of the harem users.

$bitesthedust: Using this command, you can divorce all harems of a server.

$clearnotes : Using this command, you can clear all user notes.

$givecustom: Using this command, you can give an unclaimed custom character.

Server Option commands

$settings: This command lets you access server settings.

$setrare: Using this command, you can change the spawn rarity of already claimed characters.

$settimer: Using this command, you can change the time in seconds that you need to claim a character.

$setrolls: Using this command, you can increase or decrease the number of rolls for a server.

Kakera commands: Using these commands, you can earn kakera and earn advantages for marriage roulettes.

How to install Mudae bot on discord

To install Mudae Bot on Discord, here what you have to do. Follow the simple steps below

  • Go to Mudae Bot
  • Next, please search for the invite button on your top right corner and click on it.
  • You will be directed to the invite page.
  • Now choose the server from the list of servers that you wish to add it to.
  • Click on Authorize.
  • Your Bot has now been added to the server. You may go and check if it has been done.


With more than 30’000+ regular users, customizable character features, a wide variety of fantastic games to play, and the most helpful commands, Mudae Bot is one of the most incredible bots that will make your discord experience one of a kind. This article is a detailed guide on Mudae Bot. Just follow the steps given above to add your server and enjoy the features it has to offer.

This article Discord Mudae Bot was orignally publish on Techcollaborative


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