First step and at which stage you should ship your product.

I took the first step and now I have my own website. I bought a domain under my name. Thats all it took for me to build my own website in a day.

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Ship First

Don't wait for your product to be perfect to ship it. It will never happen. Instead what you should do is ship the product first (even the MVP). Roll it out to your user, let them decide what they want and what they need. If your product solves a problem or help them in any way, they will help you to make it perfect. When the product reach actual user you will be more encouraged to work and improve the product.


Trust the process. It take times for a product to be solid, remember not to look at the $$$. Instead focus on user, collect their feedback and what they need. If you help them they will help you. It's a win win situation. Remember how facebook looked when it's first launched.


Don't scale your product too early without any demand. Spending too much time thinking of a feature without knowing whether the user want it or not is a waste of time, energy and arguments. Instead focus on making the existing product better. (fix bugs, improve performance, enhance ui/ux etc)

Ship Small, Ship fast

Yes the first launch is important. But it is just a beginning, what is more important is the things to come after that. Remember to keep shipping and improving your product fast by keeping it small. It's not encouraged to ship things in a big chunk. This will consume a lot of time to test and to ship the product to the end users. By the time it reach the user, it might not be what they want anymore.

Customer Support

This is very important. Always take customer complain/feedback seriously and entertain them in a best way possible. Help them to solve their issue in the fastest time possible. Make sure to not leave them hanging. Losing one customer is like losing more than ten people because of word of mouth. But winning one customer will help you gain more customers in the future and keep your product rating very high.

That's all from me. Peace.