Self-hosting with Supabase
Please note that this article is a work in progress. Please leave any suggestions or questions in the comments.
Relevant materials:
Supabase is an open-source database solution based on Postgres. It includes all the standard features of Postgres with some killer additions such as realtime streams and a REST API. These are all backed up by incredibly powerful libraries.
There are many reasons you might want to self-host Supabase:
More database space - by using your own VPS, you could have a database that is many times bigger than what is (currently) available via Supabase managed platform
Full infrastructure control - you're in control of everything so if you need to make a change, you have that option
There are also some reasons you may want to let Supabase host your database instead of self-hosting:
It's already setup - You don't have to have a significant level of technical knowledge to setup a Supabase instance on their platform
Costs - They offer a free plan which may be enough for your needs
This article was written for people who want to self-host Supabase but have perhaps gotten lost with the self-hosting guides out there. Please be aware that at this time, the self-hosted options don't include the dashboard. If that's a deal breaker for you, this guide isn't for you.
To get the most out of this article, it is strongly advised that you have some basic experience with the following:
- Nginx - Configuring endpoints / proxies
- Docker - Deploying, configuring Dockerfiles
Even if you're lacking those skills, I've done my best to explain the key parts, as well as the files you need to change.
We will be using Portainer to manage our Docker containers. We'll also be using our service behind Cloudflare. For this, we'll use db.example.com
as our domain name. This will be mentioned later in the Nginx configuration section.
The first thing you should do is setup somewhere to host. I personally recommend DigitalOcean as almost everything can be done from the web dashboard. For the purpose of this article, if you see the word 'Droplet', this simply refers to a VPS which will host our Supabase instance.
Supabase provide some one-click deploys for several platforms, but we won't be using those as they don't contain the full Supabase experience.
Instead, we'll be installing Docker. Several VPS providers already have 'ready to deploy' Docker instances. I'd recommend using one as this can save you a significant amount of time compared to setting Docker up manually.
Assuming you have setup a Droplet / VPS with Docker running, the first thing to do is install Portainer. To do this, follow the guide at https://documentation.portainer.io/v2.0/deploy/ceinstalldocker/ . As of writing, there are only 3 steps needed to get Portainer installed:
- SSH into your VPS
- Run
docker volume create portainer_data
- Run
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -p 9000:9000 --name=portainer --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce
Next, you need to perform some basic configuration for Portainer. In your web browser, go to http://<ip-of-your-vps>:9000
and follow the on-screen instructions.
Next, we need to setup Nginx. Fortunately, this is very easy with Portainer.
Optional tip before continuing: Setup 2 volumes, nginx-config
and nginx-data
, and then use those from the volumes
tab when setting up Nginx.
From the left-menu of the Portainer dashboard, select 'App Templates' and from the list, select 'Nginx', and then follow the instructions.
If you read this guide originally, I suggested creating a fork of the supabase repo. This is no longer what I recommend, as a better and more streamlined approach is available.
Going back to the Portainer web dashboard, select 'Stacks' from the left menu, and then click on 'Add Stack'.
Give your stack a name, and select 'Git repository'. For the repository URL, enter the full URL to the supabase repo (https://github.com/supabase/supabase).
In the 'Compose path' field, enter /docker/docker-compose.yml
Copy the contents of the .env file (https://github.com/supabase/supabase/blob/master/docker/.env) to a blank file, and update the following values with valid details:
# some SMTP server to send your auth-mails with
Under 'Environment variables' click on 'Advanced mode', and then copy and paste the contents of your .env
Finally, click 'Deploy the stack' at the bottom. This process might take a few minutes to finish. Once it is completed, click 'Containers' from the Portainer menu. You may notice that supabase-auth isn't running initially. Simply select it, and then click 'Start'. It should then run without any issues.
The final step for this section is configuring the hostname for each Supabase service. From the containers menu item in the Portainers dashboard, select each Supabase container. Click on 'Duplicate/edit' near the top of the page. Then, scroll to the bottom of the page, select the 'Network' tab under 'Advanced container settings'. In the 'Hostname' field, enter the name of the service. For example, for the supabase-rest
container, set the hostname to rest
. You can set this to anything you like, but I recommend keeping it relevant to the container. Finally, click 'Deploy this container'. It will warn you that a container with the same name already exists - click 'OK'. After a short while, the container will be redeployed with the new hostname. Repeat these steps for each Supabase container.
By doing this, it will help Nginx connect to the container and make it easier to identify in other parts of the infrastructure.
One very important note regarding the supabase-auth container: By default, the DATABASE_URL
will include sslmode=disable
. The equals sign in this value may cause errors. For example, if you try to call the .signUp()
method from the supabase-js library, you may get an error 500. The reason for this is that it will attempt to connect to disable
instead of postgres://<db_user>:<password>@db:<db_port>/postgres?sslmode=disable
The solution to this is to ensure that you remove sslmode=disable
and any other query parameters from the URL.
In order to setup Nginx to support the various services needed for Supabase, we need to modify our Nginx config.
To do this, you need to SSH into your server, and then cd
your way to the volume where your Nginx config is stored. If you set up a nginx-config
volume as mentioned above, this will (usually) be located at /var/lib/docker/volumes/nginx-config/_data
From here, we need to modify 2 files. The first is nginx.conf
Inside the http
section, add the following:
map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
default upgrade;
'' close;
upstream websocket {
server realtime:4000;
The other file we need to modify is conf.d/default.conf
. There's many ways you can configure Nginx, but for the sake of simplicity, we're going to keep this to a single file.
In conf.d/default.conf
, replace the entire contents with the following:
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name db.example.com;
location ~ ^/rest/v1/(.*)$ {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_pass http://kong:8000;
proxy_redirect off;
location ~ ^/auth/v1/(.*)$ {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_pass http://kong:8000;
proxy_redirect off;
location ~ ^/realtime/v1/(.*)$ {
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_pass http://kong:8000;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
Let me explain what's going on here.
Firstly, our REST handler is listening to all requests sent to /rest/v1
path, as well as anything added after that part of the path. It is then routing it to the Supabase Kong server, which by default will be accessible internally at http://kong:8000
Likewise, our auth handler is listening for requests to /auth/v1
, and routing them also to Kong.
Finally, the realtime subscriptions are handled by the /realtime/v1
route. Again, this routes to Kong.
If you read this guide when it was originally written, I told you to route requests to each individual service. After further investigation, it appears that routing to Kong is the better solution.
The reason we perform this proxying is that it allows us to ensure that requests from the Supabase libraries (e.g. @supabase/supabase-js
) are able to correctly route to the different services in the stack.
Kong will handle routing each request to it's appropriate service based upon the URL, while Nginx is providing a way to expose these endpoints under a single URL.
After you've made the changes, save the file, and restart the Nginx container from the Portainer dashboard. To make sure everything is working as expected, select the Nginx container and then 'View logs'. It should indicate that everything is running as expected.
Finally, from the Nginx container (in the Portainer dashboard), connect it to the supabase_default
network - the option to do this is found at the bottom of that page in the dashboard.
From Portainer, create a new volume from the 'Volumes' menu option. Name the new volume kong-data
Then, go back to 'containers', and select the 'supabase-kong' container. Click on 'Duplicate/Edit' at the top.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Volumes'. Click 'Map additional volume'. In the field marked 'Container', enter /var/lib/kong
. Then click on the 'Volume' button to the right side of it.
From the dropdown field underneath, select the 'kong-data' volume you created a moment ago. Then click 'Deploy this container'.
By default, the environment variables for each container should work without any issues, but the GoTrue / auth container may require some additional configuration.
For the sake of simplicity, here is an example environment config you can use in the supabase-auth container - edit it to fit your needs:
# Make sure this JWT secret matches what was configured during setup
# How long should JWT tokens be valid for?
# Since Supabase is based on Postgres, you shouldn't need to change this
# What schema should requests be routed to?
# There should be no reason to change this
# Where is our auth/GoTrue located
# You shouldn't need to change these unless the ports are mapped differently
# Email settings
# You must set these if you want to be able to send emails
# Should users be required to confirm their email address before they can log in?
# If set to false, users won't have to confirm their registration
# If set to true, users will have to click the link in their email to confirm
# What is the 'from' address that emails are sent from?
# Remove this if you don't want debug logs
# The connection string for your database
# `@db` says we're looking for the container called 'db' on our docker network
# Email templates
# Invite user - provide a URL to a HTML or Text template
# Confirm registration - provide a URL to a HTML or Text template
# Password recovery - provide a URL to a HTML or Text template
# Magic link - provide a URL to a HTML or Text template
# GoTrue URLs
# These are appended after the API_EXTERNAL_URL
# You shouldn't need to change these
# Site URLs
# This is where the user will be redirected to after clicking a link in an email and after oAuth
# This is the URL where your supabase stack is accessible
# i.e. this is the endpoint URL you would pass into a `createClient()` call in the supabase-js library
# Set this to true if you want to prevent signing up with email and password
# oAuth
# If you are not using oAuth to login (e.g. Login with Facebook), you can ignore the below
# If you want to disable oAuth for a specific provider, set the `GOTRUE_EXTERNAL_<provider>_ENABLED` to false
# Github oAuth
# Google oAuth
# Facebook oAuth
# Add other oAuth provider details below
At this point, everything should be running as expected.
You should be able to connect to your Postgres server using your VPS IP address, port 5432, and using the username postgres
and the postgres password you setup inside the environmental variables.
As stated previously, this article is a work in progress. I am still working through some of the finer details of configuring the Supabase stack for self-hosting. There might be some things missing from the article - leave a comment to let me know, and I'll look into adding it.
Setting up Supabase for self-hosting is by no means a quick task, and there's still room for improvement. Hopefully, this article will help speed up the process for you and set you off on the journey.