10 simple VS code shortcuts that help me be more productive

In VS Code there exist bunch of keyboard shortcuts, which help programmers not use GUI or mouse, while they are writing code. Probably, its not possible to remember every shortcut. That's why we have keyboard shortcuts sheet, here is a link or open it via VS Code with Ctrl + K Ctrl + R (it's a bonus one). Important thing at beginning is start to use at least some of them.
If you are successful with using it, you should carry on with adding another ones. With everyday using, you will you use it automatically, and your writing will be less interrupted with using mouse or GUI, which makes you more productive.

I choose some useful shortcuts which was really easy to adapt and I use them on daily basis.

Ctrl + B

Open/Close left sidebar.

Ctrl + F

Find occurrences of keyword in a current file

Ctrl + Shift + F

Find occurrences of keyword in whole project

Alt + Left/Right Arrow

Return to previous / following position of cursor.

Ctrl + P

Search files by name. Hint: Don't have to write whole names just part of them.

Ctrl + Shift + P

Search in command palette

Ctrl + \

Split screen. Current file is opened in new split window

Alt + Shift + Up/Down Arrow

Copy whole current line up or down

Alt + Up/Down Arrow

Move line up or down

Ctrl + /

Comment whole line

If you know any simple helpful shortcut, feel free to comment.

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Picture by Daniel Agrelo from Pixabay


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