Hacktoberfest 2021 with QuestDB community

QuestDB is the fastest open source time series database. Key features :
  • Reduce hardware costs
  • Contain operational complexity
  • Decrease development costs
  • Cloud native (AWS, Azure, GCP)
  • On-premises or embedded

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    Hacktoberfest 2021 with QuestDB!

    QuestDB is participating as an open source project. We're super excited to meet with other open source contributors and maintainers.

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    As a way of saying "thank you" for being part of the journey, we want to offer contributors some of our stickers, pins, t-shirts, and awesome virtual swag.

    Level 1

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    Show the love
    To claim your swag for the this level:

  • You have starred QuestDB GitHub repository - https://github.com/questdb/questdb
  • You have watched our Stack Overflow tag - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/questdb
  • You have joined our Community Slack - https://slack.questdb.io/
    Level 2

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    Open-source contributor
    To claim your swag for the this level:

  • You have asked or answered a question on Stack Overflow with the QuestDB tag
  • You have opened a valid GitHub issue or Pull Request
    Level 3

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    Dedicated to the Quest

  • To claim your swag for the this level:
  • You have written a tutorial or guide using QuestDB

    How can you claim swag?

    Fill out the swag request form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfI3VUwXpHT1TbZYjUkYFQpuyfhWicWu2zA0NBGP0pO3ImITA/viewform with required information. And our team will validate your request!

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