CSS tips on Images you need to know

Hi folks, hope you are doing good. In this blog I'm gonna share 5 properties to keep in mind while working with images -

1. Object-fit : cover -

This property allows the image to fill the entire dimensions while maintaining its aspect ratio. Especially useful for profile images.

2. Transform: scaleX(-1) / scaleY(-1) -
Use transform: scaleX(-1) to flip your image horizontally and scaleY(-1) vertically.

This property is used to contain the entire image in the desired dimension and also maintains the aspect ratio. This property is used a lot in making banners.

4. Filter: drop-shadow -

This property is used to add shadows to images with no background.
Ex: filter: drop-shadow(30px 10px 4px #3a3a3a);

30px indicates its relative position towards the right and a negative value will move the shadow towards the left.

10px indicates its relative position towards the top and a negative value will move the shadow towards the bottom.

4px represents its blur factor

3a3a3a represents its color

5. Filter: opacity -

This property increases the transparency of the image depending upon the percentage.

If you know of other tips/tricks, let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading :)

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