🔥 Trending News, Repos and Products of the day - Digest #90

Level up your 🚀 skills with these Github repositories:

👤 trekhleb | ⭐ +128,269 stars 📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings

👤 kamranahmedse | ⭐ +179,321 stars Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2021

👤 babysor | ⭐ +13,729 stars 🚀AI拟声: 5秒内克隆您的声音并生成任意语音内容 Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time

🎉 🔥 Hottest Devto posts :

👤 Vladimir Agaev | 👍 +28 reactions A post by Vladimir Agaev

👤 Nikhil Bobade | 👍 +28 reactions Hello Guys, Today I Created an Animated Responsive Login Form using HTML CSS & GSAP For...

👤 johannchopin | 👍 +20 reactions Did you know that it was possible to easily share your Stackoverflow statistics using small dynamic...

👀 Keep an eye on these cool products too:

🔺 +89 | 💬 +13 Know how others solve their startup problems PeerSolver

🔧 Fathom

🔺 +51 | 💬 +16 Never take notes on a Zoom call again Fathom

🔺 +48 | 💬 +7 Calling software for scaling sales and support teams CloudTalk for Mobile

🙌 Wrap Up! That was all for this week.

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