How to install multiple node versions on the same machine

Our headless CMS, Strapi requires node version <= 14.x.x and we had node version 15 installed in our development machine. So that brought a question to my mind, is there a way like python venv for node to install different versions in the same machine. After doing a quick investigation, I found nvm node version manager that lets you have different versions of node on the same machine and switching between them.

How to install

curl -o- | bash


wget -qO- | bash

To verify installation run nvm --version

List and Install node versions

To list available versions, you can run

nvm ls-remote

To install specific version you can use nvm install VERSION for example

nvm install 12.18.4

Switch between different versions

You can use nvm use to switch to a specific version. For example

nvm use 12.18.4