CSS transform : complete guide on CSS transform. Everything you need for good developer

Hello, welcome. In today's article we'll learn about CSS transform properties.

CSS transform is used to change shapes, scale the element, rotate it and much more. Let's see some transform properties.

CSS transform

    transform: value;

This is how we use css transform. Let's see some of it's value.


Translate value is used to change element's position.

Value Description
translateX(px) it is used to place element in X axis
translateY(px) it is used to place element in Y axis
translateZ(px) it is used to place element in Z axis
translate(x,y) This is a short form for translateX and translateY
translate3d(x,y,z) This is a short form for translateX, translateY and translateZ


Scale is used to scale element in x, y, z axis.

Value Description
scaleX(px) it is used to scale element in X axis
scaleY(px) it is used to scale element in Y axis
scaleZ(px) it is used to scale element in Z axis
scale(x,y) This is a short form for scaleX and scaleY
scale3d(x,y,z) This is a short form for scaleX, scaleY and scaleZ


Rotate value is used to rotate element's position.

Value Description
rotate(deg) It is used to rotate element in 2d dimension
rotateX(deg) it is used to rotate element in X axis
rotateY(deg) it is used to rotate element in Y axis
rotate3d(x,y,z, angle) This is used to rotate element in 3d dimesion

RotateX and RotateY value will behave like scale if you don't use perspective.
Use prespective property like this. For example, our HTML structure is like

<div class="parent">
    <div class="element"></div>

Then we give CSS like this.

   perspective: 1000px;
   transform: rotateX(10deg);

Translate (3)

You should give perspective property to the parent.


Skew value is used to define 2D skew transformation.

Value Description
skewX(deg) it is used to skew element in X axis
skewY(deg) it is used to skew element in Y axis
skew(deg) it is a short form for skewX and skewY

So, that's sit about CSS transform values. I hope you understood each and everything. If you have doubt or I missed some point let me know in the comments.

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