Most Useful Sequences in Python for Beginners👨💻
Today in this blog we will learn about the most useful sequences that every Python programmer should know.
Here is the agenda.
- What is Sequence?
- Most Useful Sequences
- What is list?
- What is list comprehension?
- How to create and take input in list?
- Function provided by list class
- What is str?
- How to create and take input in str?
- Function provided by str class
- What is tuple?
- Difference between tuple and list?
- How to create and take input in tuple?
- Function provided by tuple class
- Build-in Methods for any Sequences
- Conclusion
- Sequences are a generic term for an ordered set which means that the order in which we input the items will be the same when we access them.
Input: [1,2,3,4,5]
So here if I traverse using loop then it will print the output in the same order as I input data.
- Sequences are iterable but an iterable may not be sequence as set and dict
- Sequence have concept of indexing.
There are 3 most useful sequences.
- str
- list
- tuple
List is the most useful sequence
We will discuss about them one by one. So let start's with list
- List is a sequence
- List stores multiples element in a single variable
- List can contain heterogenous element.
- List is mutable.
List Comprehension offer a syntax to compress the code it used to take input in list in just one line. It is a very awesome feature to compress code and easy to understand.
List= [ expression(element) for element in old List if condition ]
we will learn how to take input from user using List Comprehension in forward topic
List are created using square brackets( [] ) in the square brackets we write elements separating by commas( , )
As you can see I writes elements separating by commas.
# if the square brackets are empty it will considered as empty list
# list() function used to creates list objects
# Using List comprehension
l1=[eval(i) for i in input("Enter data separating by commas").split(',')]
# So in the above line what happen is that first we will enter in
# list comprehension and take input from user after that it will
# be split each element using commas as the criteria the split()
# function split() string on a given criteria and I pass , as the
# criteria so no the each element separated by , are treated as
# list element and now the for run and we evaluate the element and
# assign it.
# using for loop
# create a empty list
# take the size of list
for i in range(0,int(input("Enter the size"))):
# append is a function to add data at the last of the list we will
# learn about it
append() : used to append element at the end of the list
clear() : to remove all element from the list
copy() : return shallow copy of the list
count() : to the number of occurrence of a particular element
index() : to get the index of a particular element
insert() : to insert element at a particular index
pop() : to pop a particular element by index no. remove the
last element if index not provided
sort() : to sort the element in an order
reverse(): to reverse the list
remove() : remove the particular element
# append 4 at the end so l=[1,2,3,4]
# clear all element l=[]
# shallow copy of l shlcpy=[]
# count the occurrence of 1 but before that let add some value in l
# index of a particular element prints the first occurrent index 0
# insert at the 2 and 4th index l=[1,2,2,3,2,1,3,5,7]
# pop 0 index value l=[2,2,3,2,1,3,5,7]
# sort the list l=[1,2,2,2,3,3,5,7]
# reverse the list l=[7,5,3,3,2,2,2,1]
# sort in descending to ascending
# remove particular element 7 l=[5,3,3,2,2,2,1]
- str is a sequence of characters which are iterable
- str is immutable
- str elements are indexed
s="Welcome to my blog follow me for more post like this."
# Empty str
# by using double quotes "
# by using single quotes '
str2='Follow me'
# by using """
str3="""Love the post"""
# input() is a function used to take input from user return str
str=input("Enter a string")
s.replace() : replace text by another text
s.index() : get index of a particular text
s.count() : count the occurrence of a given text
s.split() : split str on the basis of given criteria returns
s.join() : join each sequence elements separated by the given
s.startswith(): check whether the string start with the given text
s.endwith() : check whether the string end with the given text
s.find() : find some given text in the string
s.upper() : convert the string to uppercase
s.lower() : convert the string to lowercase
s.strip() : remove extra white space from the left and right
of the string
str contain more functions
# Let first create a str
# let replace 'tex' by 'res' gives 'rest' does not changes in s
# return str object which i have again stored in s so it become
# rest
# find the index of s which is 2
# count the occurrence of 'st' which is 1
# split string on the basis of '' empty space means each char will
# become element of the list l=['r','e','s','t']
# join l on the separating by ',' s="r,e,s,t"
# check whether s starts with 'r,e,s' or not True
# check whether s ends with 's,t' or not True
# remove extra white space of ' My ' using strip s='My'
s=' My '.strip()
# lowercase the string
# uppercase the string
- tuple is immutable
- tuple can store heterogenous element
- tuple elements are separated by ','
The most common doubt 👇
Tuple is created using Parenthesis '()' inside it we write element separated by ','
# by using tuple() function which create tuple object
# by leaving the parenthesis empty
# using List comprehension we convert the list into tuple using
# tuple() function let check how
t=tuple([eval(i) for i in input("Enter data separated by commas ").split(',')])
You cannot add, modify and delete element in tuple this is a big difference between tuple and list
tuple class only provide two functions
t.index(): get the index of particular text
t.count(): count the occurrence of given text
# create a tuple
# get the index of 3 in t which is 2
# count the occurrence of 1 in t which is 2
len(): find the length of a given sequence
min(): finds the min value of the given sequence
max(): finds the min value of the given sequence
sum(): return the sum of the element of given sequence
sorted(): return list after sorting the given sequence
# create a sequence
# find the len of l which is 5
# find the max element which is 5
# find the min element which is 1
# find the sum which is 15
# sort l but no changes in l return list which is [1,2,3,4,5]
This Post will help you to enhance your python skills as a beginner. Don't Forget to Follow me and Give a Unicorn if this post is informative and useful for you.
If you have any doubt then comment below.
This post is created on the request of @meenagupta5
Hope you love it💖