Astro Command unlocks the world


This weekend I built a new Astro component that lets callers use external commands on their machine to generate html content.

GitHub logo trashhalo / astro-command

run commands as astro components

In the repository there is a hello world demo that is shelling out to python.

import { Command } from "astro-command";
<Command caller={import.meta.url} command="./" message="from python!" />
#!/usr/bin/env python 

import sys, json

data = json.load(sys.stdin)
print(f'<h1> Hello {data["message"]} </h1>')

Props are passed in as a json blob to stdin. Html comes out stdout.

Taking it up a notch

Python has a very deep well of libraries that can be useful for astro page generation. One example is a plotting library that can generate beautiful graphs outputting SVG.

As a quick example I rewrote the hello world py component to output a graph instead.

Its not just python

Now that you have shell access from Astro you can use any command! The first one I created a custom component for is Pandoc to get access to all the types of content Pandoc can understand. With 12 lines of astro code I unlocked 30+ file formats!

Astro Pandoc

Astro component for using pandoc to convert content. This allows you to embed any format pandoc supports.


import { Pandoc } from "astro-pandoc"
<Pandoc caller={import.meta.url} file="Component.tex" extraArgs={["--webtex"]} /
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\usepackage{amsmath} % for the equation* environment
This is a simple math expression \(\sqrt{x^2+1}\) inside text. 
And this is also the same: 
but by using another command.

This is a simple math expression without numbering
separated from text.

This is also the same:

\ldots and this:
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Whats next?

There are lots of commands out there. Which one should I connect to astro next?