How to Master Python Fast and Easy: A Complete Simple tutorial Based on the Official Documentation of Python
Github Source Code: https://github.com/amboulouma/python-ultimate-tutorial
To give you an overview, here is the table of content of the crash course:
🖥️ Get started with Numbers, Strings and Lists in Python
🖥️ What are if, for and loop statements and everything about Functions in Python
🖥️ Very simple about Data Structures in Python
🖥️ Easy explanation of Python Modules and their usages
🖥️ Only good stuff about Input, Output, Files and JSON in Python
🖥️ Very helpful information about Errors and Exceptions in Python
🖥️ What’s the point of OOP, Classes, Scopes, Iterators and Generators in Python
🖥️ You have just 13 minutes about Internet, Math, OS and Regex Modules in Python and only 6 to find out what are the Performance, Dates and Compression Modules in Python
🖥️ You will learn More on Lists, Heaps and Decimal Precision in Python
🖥️ It’s time for you to know about Virtual Environments and Packages in Python
🖥️ Finally, let’s summarize what we have learned in a Python Official Documentation Overview and get the easy access to the main recourses, codes and information
Handy links:
⇨ ⇨ ⇨ Here is the link on Python Full Course - Complete Tutorial based on the Python Official Documentation (5 hours long video)
✅ And not to mix up the information and study the episodes in its order, here is the link on the playlist for you: Python Ultimate Tutorial [Official Documentation]