Create Azure Cognitive Services resource

Cognitive Services are a series of functionalities presented by Microsoft that provide artificial intelligence to a computer application, for example, a web application or a mobile application.
Cognitive services integrate algorithms and artificial intelligence techniques, examples:
· Face recognition
· Speech recognition
· Recognition of text in an image.
· Text to speech conversion and Speech to text.
· Real-time translation.
Microsoft provides these services through collections of APIs in AZURE.
Next, I’ll show you how to create an Azure Cognitive Services resource.
To get started, log to your Microsoft Azure. One you have a subscription, click Create a resource.
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Then type Cognitive Services in the Marketplace search bar and select Cognitive Services and hit Create.
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Then the Create Cognitive Services section will appear. Fill in the details of the project. Choose the region closest to you and fill in the name of the resource (remember it must be unique). Continue with the standard price level S0. I leave you a link for you to review the costs. (Link:

And finally check the box and click on Review + create.

The system will run to validate your request.
After validation is approved, click Create.
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The Deploy of the resources will begin, which may take a few seconds to wait.
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Click Go to resource to see the implementation.
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The quick start page will appear. Read the details on the page to learn more about the cognitive services provided by Azure.
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Then click on the menu on the left on “Keys and Endpoint” and the Keys and Endpoint section will appear.
You can click copy icon on the right to copy and then paste the keys and endpoints into our developed applications to access Azure Cognitive Services.

Today we learned about Azure Cognitive Services and saw how to quickly create a cognitive service in Azure.
Remember that this service will allow you to create applications with artificial intelligence capabilities, from image classification, object detection, face detection, face recognition, natural language processing applications and much more.
Soon I will show you how to create other specific Cognitive Services resources and I will also show you how to use them in our applications.

Happy Coding!