My Productive Phone

In today's modern world, phones have become our devil par-timer , good servant But a bad master.
In this blog , I would like share my system to handle phone. I've included app's which will turn your view to use your phone from a habit to tool & distraction free like look .

KISS : Keep It Super Simple

Prerequisites 🥸

  1. First I've Deleted all apps which I don't use or use rarely
  2. Then Deleted All social media app accept personal message like Whatsapp
  3. Started using social media app through my PC insted of mobile
  4. Using other IMP rarely using apps through PC like gmail , google drive
  5. Switch all notification sound OFF
  6. Dowload Fdroid till you dowload require app then you can uninstall it if you want

Setup 🤓

  • Download fdroid
  • most of apps are dowloaded through Fdroid
  • as it has open source store for android app's

1. L A U N C H E R 📱

  • When I first open my screen lock I schould be focusing on important apps only
  • having all apps on main screen can lead you to open rndom apps & your time is wasted
  • Select IMP apps only
  • Restrictive to useless customization
  • Only important is available to launch
  • Minimal & Modern Look

2. P O M O D O R O ⏳

  • You should always have deadline for your task
  • And pomodoro tech works well for me
  • you have to find which suits you !
  • Start, pause, skip and stop timer using gestures
  • Support for short and long breaks
  • User-created activities such as reading, programming

3. T O D O 📑

  • Most of todo app are very feature full or I can say more complex system which can lead your day just planing and not actually doing the work
  • Minimalistic to only focus on task completion .
  • Minimal Surface
  • Dark Theme
  • Backup on your own cloud

4. N O T E S 📕

  • have a simple note taking app , offline
  • Create lists to stay on track
  • Pin notes to always keep them at the top
  • Add labels to your notes for quick organisation

5. H A B I T 💫

  • To track your habits , as per your measure criteria
  • Having a set routine of somethings is very important to sustain your life.
  • eg: Sleep_Time , Eating_Time , next day Planning
  • Statistical Data report
  • Flexible schedules
  • Reminders

6. Y O U T U B E 📼

  • Most of my study I do through YOUTUBE #SelfThoughtDeveloper :)
  • But i neede an alternative which has no ad's & no suggestion
  • Don't wanna fall in YouTube algorithm's rabbit hole
  • No ad's
  • No suggetion to wate time
  • Can import & export your data & save
  • Can download in video as well as audio format

7. M U S I C 🎶

  • My favorite of all of them , I love listening lofi-beat while working
  • Download music from @NewPipe and listen in this app
  • Simple , feature full and super customizable
  • Sleep timer
  • Folder browser
  • Home screen widgets
  • Themes (Just Black, Kinda Dark, Clearly White)
  • Now playing themes

8. F I L E - M A N A G E R 📁

  • The file manager app I use it too complicated & ask for useless update
  • as well as show ad's on it , this is really annoying
  • What if I have a File Manager which has built-in feature like image viewer , text editor & other feature
  • Lightweight , clean and secure.
  • Material Design
  • View and manage files with root access.
  • View, extract and create common compressed files.

I hope you have turn on your productive mode ON. I will be coming up with more such Awesome resources soon.

Sayonara 😉