Conditional Statements

Sometimes, we need to do things based on information we have.
For these scenarios, we have the conditional statements such as if, else, if else and switch case.

if statement

The if statement enters if the condition returns true.


if(*condition is true*)
   // Execute this code block


int x = 10;
int y = 5;

if(x - y == 5)
   // Do some work

// More awesome work

else statement

The else statement works only after a if statement and it's called if the condition in the if statement above is false


if(*condition is false*)
  // This code block will not execute.
  // Execute this code block


int x = 10;
int y = 5;

if(x - y == 10)
  // Will not execute this code block
  // Execute this code block

A good thing to notice, is that the else statement will hit every time the if statement is false.

if else

If you need to check for different values, there's the if else statement.


if(*condition is false*)
  // Will not execute this code block
else if (*condition is true*)
  // Execute this code block


int x = 10;
int y = 5;

if(x - y == 10)
  // Will not execute this code
else if (x - y == 5)
  // Will execute this code
  // Will not execute this code since the condition above was met

&& and || operator


The && means and in programming language, which indicates that both checks must returns true.

int x = 10;
int y = 5;

if(x == 10 && y == 5)
  // Will execute since x value is 10 and y value is 5

if(x == 10 && y == 4)
  // Will not execute because the value of y is not 4


The || means or in programming language, which indicates that at least one of the checks must returns true.

int x = 10;
int y = 5;

if(x == 10 || y == 5)
  // Will execute since x value is 10 or y value is 5

if(x == 10 || y == 4)
  // Will execute because the value of x is 10

switch case

The switch case statement executes a single section from a list of candidates based on a pattern.


switch (*value to look for*)
  case *scenario 1*:
    // code block
   // Will be called every time if no candidates are found.


int useThis = 2;

switch (useThis)
  case 1:
    // This will not be called because we're looking for 2
  case 2:
    // This code block will be executed.
    // This code will be called if no candidate is found

You can also use the same code block for different values:

int useThis = 3

  case 1:
     // Will not execute.
   case 2:
   case 3:
     // Will execute if `useThis` values is 2 or 3


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