Publish your Markdown docs on GitHub Pages
As a developer you've most likely switched machines, even OS several times. Maybe you've performed a specific set of operations that you'll have to repeat in the future? want to remember some command lines? share code snippets? capture online course notes?
For all of the reasons above, and many more, having a personal documentation website is ideal. It lets you organize and synthesize all the information that is relevant to YOU in your own personal way, with the added benefit of being easily shareable.
A project containing all your Markdown files, hosted on Github Pages.
We'll use mkdocs
as static site generator, so let's install it:
pip install mkdocs
Now create the basic project structure, in your projects folder:
Replace GITHUB_USERNAME with your GitHub username or whatever you prefer to name your project. We'll be referencing it in the next steps and it will become clearer why you might want to choose that project name.
Check the created files in that folder, you'll see something like the following:
-- docs/
-- mkdocs.yml
Go ahead and try running mkdocs serve
then open in your browser. And voilà! You have a personal documentation local website. Any .md
file added in docs/
will appear as a new web page. Try to edit docs/index.md
for example.
contains your project configuration. You can customize your site name, navigation layout and so on. A simple example would be:
site_name: your site name
site_url: https://GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io
site_author: you
site_description: a short description of your website
- About: index.md
You can also use the readthedocs provided theme by adding the following:
name: readthedocs
highlightjs: true
- yaml
For reference see https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/
For a local documentation project that would be enough. But we'll go ahead and make this deployable to your GitHub page.
GitHub allows you to host a website in a specific repository matching GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io, with your actual GitHub username in place of GITHUB_USERNAME.
Luckily mkdocs
makes it easy to push your project build files to your GitHub page through the mkdocs gh-deploy
The downside of mkdocs gh-deploy
is that it wipes out all the files in GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io/
to generate the website files (html, css, js).
To overcome this constraint and simplify the deploy process you'll track your GitHub page repo, GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io, independently as a git submodule of your docs source project. Which will allow to run mkdocs gh-deploy
from within the docs source project itself.
Ultimately you'll need two distinct repositories: one for your GitHub page, another one for your source files.
- Go to https://github.com/new and create your GitHub page repository
- Name it GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io (replace GITHUB_USERNAME with your actual GitHub username)
- Go to https://github.com/new and create your source repository
- Name it GITHUB_USERNAME (replace GITHUB_USERNAME with your actual GitHub username or anything else you chose to name the new
project previously created)
Note that a repository named as your username is a special repository on GitHub. Its
will appear on your public profile. So you can customize that as well.
At this point you should have two GitHub repositories:
Git repo | Description |
GITHUB_USERNAME.git (or anything else you chose to name it) | Source repo with markdown files |
GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io.git | GitHub page repo with static web files |
Back in the folder created previously:
git init
echo site/ > .gitignore
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin SOURCE_REPO # replace SOURCE_REPO with your source repo HTTPS or SSH adddress
git push -u origin main
Then initialize the GitHub page repo:
# still in your source folder
mkdir GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io
cd GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io
git init
git commit --allow-empty -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin GH_PAGE_REPO # replace GH_PAGE_REPO with your source repo HTTPS or SSH adddress
git push -u origin main
cd ..
You should now have two folders tracked in their respective GitHub repositories:
-- GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io/ GitHub page repo
-- docs/
-- .gitignore
-- mkdocs.yml
Now delete GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io/
since there's no need for it to exist independently:
rm -rvf ./GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io
Add your GitHub page repo as a submodule of your source repo instead:
git submodule add -b main GH_PAGE_REPO # replace GH_PAGE_REPO with your source repo HTTPS or SSH adddress
git add GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io
git commit -m "add github page submodule"
git push
cd GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io
mkdocs gh-deploy --config-file ../mkdocs.yml --remote-branch main
cd ..
Go ahead and open https://GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io in your browser. And voilà! Your very own personal documentation on your GitHub page.
Note that you might have to wait a few seconds for your changes to be deployed.
The mkdocs gh-deploy
command in itself isn't very user friendly nor easy to remember so we'll add a simple Makefile
to make (word choice on purpose) it easier to deploy changes.
Create a Makefile
in your source folder with the following:
SHELL := /bin/bash
.PHONY: deploy
cd $(GH_PAGE) && mkdocs gh-deploy --config-file ../mkdocs.yml --remote-branch main
Ensure to paste
indentation as Tabs or else you might get an error in the lines of[...] *** missing separator. Stop.
Now you can simply run make deploy
whenever you want to publish something.
You might also want to update latest commit version of your GitHub page submodule whenever a deploy is performed. Not technically required, but good for tracking purposes. Add the following in your Makefile
.PHONY: update-build-version
git submodule update --remote --merge
git add $(GH_PAGE)
git commit -m "ci: update build version"
.PHONY: publish
publish: deploy update-build-version
git push
make publish
will handle the deploy and update your submodule version.
A typical workflow would be:
- make some changes to your markdown files or
git commit -am "commit message"
git push
to your source repo -
make publish
to your GitHub page
Can't I just run mkdocs build
and use site/
as my GitHub page?
You can! See the GitHub docs. You will need to commit the build site/
artifacts, or you could even use a different branch for the GitHub page altogether. IMHO I'd much rather track the actual source code and deploy the minimal amount of files in the public project, and having two completely unrelated branches in the same repository is kind of an overly obscure solution. Hence the submodule approach. But that is my biased opinion, use whichever solution works best for you!
Here is a sample project containing the output of everything described in this post:
Here are a few other articles I could find before writing this post:
You just created a brand new GitHub page hosting all your desired markdown generated documentation. Which can also contain your cv, portfolio, todo list, random thoughts, cat pictures, etc. you name it. Go nuts, the web is limitless.
Happy hacking!