tips for python short code part-1
1- appending an element to a list:
k+=[1] #same as k.append(1)
2- get multiple lines of from stdin:
k=[input() for i in range(number_of_lines)]
k=[i.strip() for i in open(0)]
3- making a class:
there is multiple modules that have ready porpused classes and types to inherit from or use
class paper:
def __init__(self,nl,*lines_):
self.numberOf_lines = nl
self.lines = lines_
from dataclasses import dataclass
class paper:
lines: list
numberOf_lines: int
. . .
this libraries will help u make a readable classes with less characters and awesome features(compareablity , readable representaiton ...)
4- string manipulation:
k = "abcdef-ABCDEF-123456"
print(k[1:]) # bcdef-ABCDEF-123456
print(k[:-1]) # abcdef-ABCDEF-12345
print(k[2:-2])# cdef-ABCDEF-1234
print(''.join(filter(str.isupper , k))) # ABCDEF
print(''.join(filter(str.islower , k))) # abcdef
print(''.join(filter(str.isnumeric , k))) # 123456
print(*map("".join,zip(*k.split("-")))) # aA1 bB2 cC3 dD4 eE5 fF6
print(*[k[:i] for i in range(len(k))]) # all substrings "a ab abc abcd abcde abcdef ..."
5- code golfs:
lets asume you have to write "odd" if an input is odd and "even" if not
the first thing that come to mind is:
n = int(input())
if n%2==1:print("odd")
this code is 58 cahracter long
with a bit of python wizardry
print("odd"if int(input())%2else"even")
from 58 char to 39
but we can do more
from 58 to 35 char
x,y = map(int,input().split())
names = input().split()
fathers = input().split()
mothers = input().split()
age,shoe_size = map(int,input().split())
weight,height,arm_length = map(float,input().split())
228 char long
we notice that "input().split()" is repeated to many times
x,y = map(int,k())
names = k()
fathers = k()
mothers = k()
age,shoe_size = map(int,k())
weight,height,arm_length = map(float,k())
just like that we saved 47 characters, this example is made for explaining purposes , you can apply it to any repeating funtion or statment with long enough characters. but what i recommend in cases like this is to use stdin file(you can access it with 'open(0)' statment) and dicts to store input