How to Access Jupyter Notebook Remotely on Webbrowser

To access the remote jupyter notebook, you need to install and setup the jupyter notebook on server first. You can install the jupyter notebook using this tutorial. Now you can see the available options from jupyter notebook using this command,

jupyter notebook --help

You will see the output like below,

If you scroll little bit below, you will see the --ip and --port options as well,

Protect notebook with password

To protect jupyter notebook with the password, you need to type following command,

jupyter notebook password

The reason for you to make password is, When you access Jupyter notebook server on web browser, You have to enter the password.

Run the jupyter notebook on server

jupyter notebook –no-browser –ip=”your server IP Address” –port=8888

Note: Replace the ip address by your ip in above code.

From now, your notebook can be access from remote web-browsers.

you can go to chrome and type, http://{your ip address}:8888 to access the same jupyter notebook.

Congratulations! You successfully setup the jupyter notebook on the remote server.

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