Let's Learn Dart!
Hello everyone! I started getting to Flutter recently and I am now diving deeper into the Dart language. I will share what I've learned and hopefully you will learn a thing or two as well :)
I will be creating a long series of posts covering the language and will do my best to make this as beginner friendly as possible but it would probably be helpful to already have familiar with another programming language. I may create a cheat sheet for JS developer for a quick "comparison" overview between the 2 languages at a later time. Let me know if this is something you'd be interested in!
To get started, I suggest proceeding with installing Flutter SDK itself, it will contain Dart as well. Follow the directions here: https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install. The docs are great and should be sufficient to get you up and running.
I suggest utilizing DartPad to learn and practice with Dart. Check it out here: https://dartpad.dev/dart?null_safety=true. If you want to play around with Dart in a local environment, create a folder to host your dart files. Create a bin folder and inside of it your .dart file. Write out your code (which you will learn more in depth about later) and press f5 or ctrl+f5 (windows) / cmd+f5 (mac) to run the program.
Of course, the thing we all hate to hear, "Go read the docs". But, just in case...here are the official docs: https://dart.dev/guides
Follow the table of contents to learn Dart. I recommend going in the order listed.
- Basics of Dart
- Dart Types
- Operations in Dart
- Control Flow in Dart
- Strings in Dart
- A lot more to come...(haven't planned the rest out yet)