Meus repositórios de suporte para Desenvolvimento Web

Olá pessoal

Hoje resolvi iniciar minhas contribuições sobre o desenvolvimento Web na plataforma DEV.

Estou compartilhando a minha sequência de repositórios que utilizo para determinadas áreas da programação. Todos eles foram criados para facilitar a busca por sites relacionados à área definida no repositório através do conceito de Inventário de Recursos.

Espero que possam ajudá-lo nessa caminhada. Segue abaixo:

obs: Estão todos em Inglês

Suporte de Ciência de Dados:

GitHub logo BrunoComitre / data-science-resource-inventory

A Data Science repository to facilitate your search for sites related to the area through the concept of resource inventory.

Data Science Resource Inventory 💻

A Data Science repository to facilitate studies.

[WARNING] The links cited here were extracted from various sites and are for study use, I am sharing them so that as well as I can learn, I hope I have not infringed any copyright; and if your website, repository or any other link is here and the owner would not like it to be, please contact us so you can withdraw !THANKS FOR UNDERSTANDING!

This part is for Young Padawans or Jedi in Data Science


Suporte para Programação Front-End:

GitHub logo BrunoComitre / front-end-resource-inventory

A Front End Developer Study repository to facilitate your search for sites related to the area through the concept of resource inventory.

Front-End Resource Inventory 💻

A Front-End repository to facilitate studies.

[WARNING] The links cited here were extracted from various sites and are for study use, I am sharing them so that as well as I can learn, I hope I have not infringed any copyright; and if your website, repository or any other link is here and the owner would not like it to be, please contact us so you can withdraw !THANKS FOR UNDERSTANDING!

This part is for Young Padawans or Jedi in Front-End Development



repository updates:

  • Open sites and verify that they are active and that they are part of the repository.
  • Add [EN-US] or [PT-BR] to the links
  • Idea…

Suporte para Desenvolvedores Web:

GitHub logo BrunoComitre / dev-support-resource-inventory

A Developer Support repository to facilitate your search for sites related to the area through the concept of resource inventory.

Dev Support Resource Inventory 💻

A Development Support repository to facilitate studies.

[WARNING] The links cited here were extracted from various sites and are for study use, I am sharing them so that as well as I can learn, I hope I have not infringed any copyright; and if your website, repository or any other link is here and the owner would not like it to be, please contact us so you can withdraw !THANKS FOR UNDERSTANDING!

*This part is for Young Padawans or Jedi in Development



repository updates:

  • Open sites and verify that they are active and that they…

Suporte de Linguagem de Programação Python:

GitHub logo BrunoComitre / python-resource-inventory

A Python Developer Study repository to facilitate your search for sites related to the area through the concept of resource inventory.

Python Resource Inventory 💻

A Python repository to facilitate studies.

[WARNING] The links cited here were extracted from various sites and are for study use, I am sharing them so that as well as I can learn, I hope I have not infringed any copyright; and if your website, repository or any other link is here and the owner would not like it to be, please contact us so you can withdraw !THANKS FOR UNDERSTANDING!

*This part is for Young Padawans or Jedi in Python *



repository updates:

  • Open sites and verify that they are active and that they are…

Suporte de Segurança voltado a conhecimentos Python e técnicas de segurança:

GitHub logo BrunoComitre / security-resource-inventory

A Web Security repository to facilitate your search for sites related to the area through the concept of resource inventory.

Security Resource Inventory 💻

A Security repository to facilitate studies.

[WARNING] The links cited here were extracted from various sites and are for study use, I am sharing them so that as well as I can learn, I hope I have not infringed any copyright; and if your website, repository or any other link is here and the owner would not like it to be, please contact us so you can withdraw !THANKS FOR UNDERSTANDING!

This part is for Young Padawans or Jedi in Web Security



repository updates:

  • Open sites and verify that they are active and that they are part of the repository.
  • Add [EN-US] or [PT-BR] to the…

Suporte Containers Docker:

GitHub logo BrunoComitre / docker-resource-inventory

A Docker Study repository to facilitate your search for sites related to the area through the concept of resource inventory.

Docker Resource Inventory 💻

A Docker repository to facilitate studies.

[WARNING] The links cited here were extracted from various sites and are for study use, I am sharing them so that as well as I can learn, I hope I have not infringed any copyright; and if your website, repository or any other link is here and the owner would not like it to be, please contact us so you can withdraw !THANKS FOR UNDERSTANDING!

This part is for Young Padawans or Jedi in Docker Study



repository updates:

  • Open sites and verify that they are active and that they are part of the repository.
  • Add [EN-US] or [PT-BR] to the…

Suporte de Ciência da Computação:

GitHub logo BrunoComitre / computer-science-resource-inventory

A Computer Science repository to facilitate your search for sites related to the area through the concept of resource inventory.

Computer Science Resource Inventory 💻

A Computer Science repository to facilitate studies.

[WARNING] The links cited here were extracted from various sites and are for study use, I am sharing them so that as well as I can learn, I hope I have not infringed any copyright; and if your website, repository or any other link is here and the owner would not like it to be, please contact us so you can withdraw !THANKS FOR UNDERSTANDING!

This part is for Young Padawans or Jedi in Computer Science



repository updates:

  • Open sites and verify that they are active and that they are part of the repository.
  • Add [EN-US] or [PT-BR] to the…

Por hoje é isso. Simples e objetivo para perder a vergonha de escrever..Contribuições sempre serão bem vindas e logo mais retornarei...


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Agradecimentos Imagem: Adi Goldstein