[TypeScript][Moment] Change timezone
Sometimes I join online events.
But I don't know when those events will start because the timezone is different from Japan (I live in Japan).
So this time I will try converting.
- Node.js ver.16.4.2
- TypeScript ver.4.3.5
- moment ver.2.29.1
- moment-timezone ver.0.5.33
- ts-loader ver.9.2.3
- webpack ver.5.42.0
- webpack-cli ver.4.7.2
For getting my own timezone, I just create a Date instance.
const currentDate = new Date();
Sun Jul 11 2021 08:39:08 GMT+0900 (Japan Standard Time)
The timezone came from OS settings.
So if I change them, the result will be changed.
I can create Data instances by formatted string.
const currentDate = new Date('Jul 10 2021 19:48 EDT');
Sun Jul 11 2021 08:48:00 GMT+0900 (Japan Standard Time)
I was able to implement everything I wanted to achieve...?
Because there are "Daylight Saving Time" in some countries, I must change their timezone according the date.
For example, if the date is "2021-03-13", I must use "EST". But if the date is "2021-03-15", I must use "EDT".
The problem is the dates when "Daylight Saving Time" start aren't same in every year.
After all, I used "moment" and "moment-timezone".
Because I can't specify the time zone like "EDT" and "America / EDT", I select cities that belong to that timezone and map the names.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Convert sample</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<input type="date" id="convert_date_from" placeholder="Date From">
<select id="convert_hour_from"></select>
<select id="convert_minute_from"></select>
<input type="text" id="convert_timezone_from" list="convert_timezone_from_list">
<datalist id="convert_timezone_from_list">
<button onclick="Page.convert()">Convert</button>
<div id="convert_date_to"></div>
<script src="js/main.page.js"></script>
import moment from "moment";
import tz from 'moment-timezone';
type TimezoneValue = {
displayName: string,
value: string
const timezoneValueList: TimezoneValue[] = [
{ displayName: 'US/ET', value: 'America/New_York'},
{ displayName: 'US/CT', value: 'America/Chicago' },
{ displayName: 'US/PT', value: 'America/Los_Angeles' },
{ displayName: 'Japan', value: 'Asia/Tokyo' },
function init() {
function addHour() {
const hourInput = document.getElementById('convert_hour_from') as HTMLSelectElement;
for(let i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
const hourValue = document.createElement('option');
const value = ("00"+ i).slice (-2);
hourValue.text = value;
hourValue.value = value;
function addMinute() {
const minuteInput = document.getElementById('convert_minute_from') as HTMLSelectElement;
for(let i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
const minuteValue = document.createElement('option');
const value = ("00"+ i).slice (-2);
minuteValue.text = value;
minuteValue.value = value;
function addTimezone() {
const timezoneList = document.getElementById('convert_timezone_from_list') as HTMLDataListElement;
for(const value of timezoneValueList) {
const timezoneValue = document.createElement('option');
timezoneValue.value = value.displayName;
export function convert() {
const dateInput = document.getElementById('convert_date_from') as HTMLInputElement;
const hourInput = document.getElementById('convert_hour_from') as HTMLSelectElement;
const minuteInput = document.getElementById('convert_minute_from') as HTMLSelectElement;
const timezoneInput = document.getElementById('convert_timezone_from') as HTMLInputElement;
const date = moment(dateInput.value).format('YYYY-MM-DD');
const hour = hourInput.options[hourInput.selectedIndex].value;
const minute = minuteInput.options[minuteInput.selectedIndex].value;
const datetimeText = `${date} ${hour}:${minute}`;
const timezone = timezoneValueList.find(t => t.displayName === timezoneInput.value);
const targetTime = momentTz.tz(datetimeText, timezone!.value);
const dateOutput = document.getElementById('convert_date_to') as HTMLElement;
dateOutput.textContent = moment(targetTime.toDate()).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm');