Authentication with AccountsJS & GraphQL Modules

This article was published on 2018-11-16 by Arda Tanrikulu @ The Guild Blog

When starting a backend project, two of the biggest concerns will usually be the right structure of the project and authentication. If you could skip thinking and planning about these two, starting a new backend project can be much easier.

If you haven't checked out our blog post about authentication and authorization in GraphQL Modules, please read that before!

Internally, we use GraphQL-Modules and AccountsJS to help us with those two decisions, GraphQL-Modules helps us solve our architectural problems in modular, schema-first approaches with the power of GraphQL and AccountsJS helps us create our authentication solutions by providing a simple API together with client and server libraries that saves us a lot of the ground work around authentication.

If you haven't heard about AccountsJS before, it is a set of libraries to provide a full-stack authentication and accounts-management solutions for Javascript.

It is really customizable; so you can write any plugins for your own authentication methods or use the already existing email-password or the Facebook and Twitter OAuth integration packages.

AccountsJS has connector libraries for MongoDB and Redis, but you can write your own database handler by implementing a simple interface.

Accounts JS provide a ready to use GraphQL API if you install their GraphQL library and we are happy to announce that the GraphQL library is now internally built using GraphQL-Modules!

It doesn't affect people who are not using GraphQL Modules, but it helps the maintainers of AccountsJS and simplifies the integration for GraphQL-Modules-based projects.

How To Implement Server-Side using AccountsJS, GraphQL-Modules and Apollo-Server

First install required dependencies from npm or yarn;

yarn add mongodb @accounts/server @accounts/password @accounts/database-manager @accounts/mongo @accounts/graphql-api @graphql-modules/core apollo-server graphql-import-node

Let's assume that we're using MongoDB as our database, password-based authentication and ApolloServer;

import 'graphql-import-node';
import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server';
import { MongoClient, ObjectId } from 'mongodb';
import { AccountsServer } from '@accounts/server';
import { AccountsPassword } from '@accounts/password';
import { DatabaseManager } from '@accounts/database-manager';
import MongoDBInterface from '@accounts/mongo';
import { AccountsModule } from '@accounts/graphql-api';
import * as typeDefs from './typeDefs.graphql';
import { resolvers } from './resolvers';

const PORT = process.env['MONGO_URI'] || 4000;
const MONGO_URI = process.env['MONGO_URI'] || 'mongodb://localhost:27017/myDb';
const TOKEN_SECRET = process.env['TOKEN_SECRET'] || 'myTokenSecret';

async function main() {
    const mongoClient = await MongoClient.connect(MONGO_URI, {
        useNewUrlParser: true,
        native_parser: true
    const db = mongoClient.db();
    const userStorage = new MongoDBInterface(db, {
        convertUserIdToMongoObjectId: false
    // Create database manager (create user, find users, sessions etc) for accounts-js
    const accountsDb = new DatabaseManager({
        sessionStorage: userStorage,
        // Create accounts server that holds a lower level of all accounts operations
    const accountsServer = new AccountsServer(
                db: accountsDb,
                tokenSecret: TOKEN_SECRET
                password: new AccountsPassword(),
    const { schema } = new GraphQLModule({
      imports: [
      providers: [
          provide: Db,
          useValue: db // Use MongoDB instance inside DI
    const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({
        context: session => session,
        introspection: true
    const { url } = await apolloServer.listen(PORT);
    console.log(`Server listening: ${url}`);


And we can extend User type with custom fields in our schema, and add a mutation which is restricted to authenticated clients.

type Query {
  allPosts: [Post]

type Mutation {
  addPost(title: String, content: String): ID @auth

type User {
  posts: [Post]

type Post {
  id: ID
  title: String
  content: String
  author: User

Finally let's define some resolvers for it;

export const resolvers = {
  User: {
    posts: ({ _id }, args, { injector }) => {
      const db = injector.get(Db);
      const Posts = db.collection('posts');
      return Posts.find({ userId: _id }).toArray();
  Post: {
    id: ({ _id }) => _id,
    author: ({ userId }, args, { injector }) => {
       const accountsServer = injector.get(AccountsServer);
       return accountsServer.findUserById(userId);
  Query: {
    allPosts: (root, args, { injector }) => {
      const db = injector.get(Db);
      const Posts = db.collection('posts');
      return Posts.find().toArray();
  Mutation: {
    addPost: (root, { title, content }, { injector, userId }: ModuleContext<AccountsContext>) => {
      const db = injector.get(Db);
      const Posts = db.collection('posts');
      const { insertedId } = Posts.insertOne({ title, content, userId });
      return insertedId;

When you print the whole app's schema, you would see something like above;

type TwoFactorSecretKey {
  ascii: String
  base32: String
  hex: String
  qr_code_ascii: String
  qr_code_hex: String
  qr_code_base32: String
  google_auth_qr: String
  otpauth_url: String

input TwoFactorSecretKeyInput {
  ascii: String
  base32: String
  hex: String
  qr_code_ascii: String
  qr_code_hex: String
  qr_code_base32: String
  google_auth_qr: String
  otpauth_url: String

input CreateUserInput {
  username: String
  email: String
  password: String

type Query {
  twoFactorSecret: TwoFactorSecretKey
  getUser: User
  allPosts: [Post]

type Mutation {
  createUser(user: CreateUserInput!): ID
  verifyEmail(token: String!): Boolean
  resetPassword(token: String!, newPassword: String!): Boolean
  sendVerificationEmail(email: String!): Boolean
  sendResetPasswordEmail(email: String!): Boolean
  changePassword(oldPassword: String!, newPassword: String!): Boolean
  twoFactorSet(secret: TwoFactorSecretKeyInput!, code: String!): Boolean
  twoFactorUnset(code: String!): Boolean
  impersonate(accessToken: String!, username: String!): ImpersonateReturn
  refreshTokens(accessToken: String!, refreshToken: String!): LoginResult
  logout: Boolean
  authenticate(serviceName: String!, params: AuthenticateParamsInput!): LoginResult
  addPost(title: String, content: String): Post

type Tokens {
  refreshToken: String
  accessToken: String

type LoginResult {
  sessionId: String
  tokens: Tokens

type ImpersonateReturn {
  authorized: Boolean
  tokens: Tokens
  user: User

type EmailRecord {
  address: String
  verified: Boolean

type User {
  id: ID!
  emails: [EmailRecord!]
  username: String
  posts: [Post]

input UserInput {
  id: ID
  email: String
  username: String

input AuthenticateParamsInput {
  access_token: String
  access_token_secret: String
  provider: String
  password: String
  user: UserInput
  code: String
type Post {
  id: ID
  title: String
  content: String
  author: User

How To Implement Client-Side using AccountsJS, React and Apollo-Client

Now we can create a simple frontend app by using Apollo-Client and AccountsJS client for this backend app. The example below shows some example code that works on these two.

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { AccountsClient } from '@accounts/client'
import { AccountsClientPassword } from '@accounts/client-password'
import GraphQLClient from '@accounts/graphql-client'
import ApolloClient from 'apollo-boost'
import { Query, Mutation, ApolloProvider } from 'react-apollo'
import gql from 'graphql-tag'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'

const apolloClient = new ApolloClient({
  request: async (operation) => {
    const tokens = await accountsClient.getTokens()
    if (tokens) {
        headers: {
          'accounts-access-token': tokens.accessToken
  uri: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql'

const accountsGraphQL = new GraphQLClient({ graphQLClient: apolloClient })
const accountsClient = new AccountsClient({}, accountsGraphQL)
const accountsPassword = new AccountsClientPassword(accountsClient)

const ALL_POSTS_QUERY = gql`
  query AllPosts {
    allPosts {
      author {

const ADD_POST_MUTATION = gql`
  mutation AddPost($title: String, $content: String) {
    addPost(title: $title, content: $content)

class App extends Component {
  state = {
    credentials: {
      username: '',
      password: ''
    newPost: {
      title: '',
      content: ''
    user: null
  componentDidMount() {
    return this.updateUserState()
  async updateUserState() {
    const tokens = await accountsClient.refreshSession()
    if (tokens) {
      const user = await accountsGraphQL.getUser()
      await this.setState({ user })
  renderAllPosts() {
    return (
      <Query query={ALL_POSTS_QUERY}>
        {({ data, loading, error }) => {
          if (loading) {
            return <p>Loading...</p>
          if (error) {
            return <p>Error: {error}</p>
          return any) => (
              <p>Author: {}</p>
  renderLoginRegister() {
    return (
        <legend>Login - Register</legend>
                onChange={(e) =>
                    credentials: {
                onChange={(e) =>
                    credentials: {
              onClick={(e) => {
                    password: this.state.credentials.password,
                    user: {
                      username: this.state.credentials.username
                  .then(() => this.updateUserState())
              onClick={(e) => {
                    password: this.state.credentials.password,
                    username: this.state.credentials.username
                  .then(() => {
                    alert('Please login with your new credentials')
                      credentials: {
                        username: '',
                        password: ''
  renderAddPost() {
    return (
      <Mutation mutation={ADD_POST_MUTATION}>
        {(addPost) => {
          return (
              <legend>Add Post</legend>
                      onChange={(e) =>
                          newPost: {
                      onChange={(e) =>
                          newPost: {
                    onClick={(e) => {
                        variables: {
                          title: this.state.newPost.title,
                          content: this.state.newPost.content
  render() {
    return (
        <h2>All Posts</h2>
        {!this.state.user && this.renderLoginRegister()}
        {this.state.user && this.renderAddPost()}

  <ApolloProvider client={apolloClient}>
    <App />

As you can see from the example, it can be really easy to create an application that has authentication in modular and future proof approach.

You can learn more about AccountsJS from the docs of this great library for more features such as Two-Factor Authentication and Facebook and Twitter integration using OAuth.

Also you can learn more about GraphQL-Modules on the website and see how you can add GraphQL Modules features into your system in a gradual and selective way.

If you want strict types based on GraphQL Schema, for each module, GraphQL Code Generator has built-in support for GraphQL-Modules based projects. See the docs for more details.

You can check out our example about this integration;

All posts about GraphQL Modules