Basic JavaScript - Comments, Data Types, Variables
- Comments
- Data Types
- Variables
- Comments are lines of code that JavaScript will ignore. Comments are used to leave some notes to your future self and to other people who will later open your code.
- There are two ways to type comments in JS.
- // is used for inline comment.
- /**/ is used for multi line comment.
- /** */ is used for documentation
Data Types
- Data is anything that is meaningful to the computer. Like we have videos, texts, songs, etc. In general we can say a text a data type, we can't store a video in a text file or a text in a video file, they are different data types.
- JavaScript provides eight different data types which are undefined, null, boolean, string, symbol, bigint, number, and object.
- number - 1,2,3...
- strings - "abcd.."
- boolean - true, false
- etc
- Variables are similar to the x and y variables you use in mathematics but in computer we use variable to point to some value, means they are just a simple name referring at some value.
- In JavaScript we can define variable in different ways.
This is just a basic intro from my side, you can learn more from: