Why should you attend Build a Modern Data App hackathon?

Companies like Yelp, Netflix, Venmo, FedEx and more use DataStax’s Astra DB which is a Cassandra-as-a-Service without any operational overhead. DataStax is running a virtual hackathon with prizes worth USD 26K are up for grabs. In this article, we’re going to outline all information related to Apache Cassandra, Astra DB, how to participate in the hackathon and more!

What is NoSQL?

NoSQL databases are designed to support cloud application requirements and overcome the scale, performance, data model and data distribution limitations of traditional relational databases (RDBMS’s).

Read More here .

What is Apache Cassandra?

Apache Cassandra is an extremely powerful open-source distributed database system that works really well to handle huge volumes of records spread across multiple commodity servers.

Cassandra is one of the most efficient and widely-used NoSQL databases. One of the key benefits of this system is that it offers highly-available service and no single point of failure.

Here are the 5 advantages of using Apache Cassandra:

  1. Scalability
  2. High Availability
  3. High Fault Tolerance
  4. High Performance
  5. Multi-Data Center and Hybrid Cloud Support

Detailed Guide on Cassandra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVLN6FsUeyo

What is Build a Modern Data App hackathon?

This hackathon has no hard set rules. Just use Astra DB as your back-end and build an app using any tech or any platform! That’s it. Solve a real world problem, pitch it during the hackathon, stand a chance to not just win a prize but also become a part of the incubation program by DataStax.

I’m sure, you are curious about the prizes. There is something for everyone who is going to be a part of this hackathon. We won’t let you go empty handed this time. With a total of 14 prizes up for grabs, you can make this one count. Get on the leader-board and mark your spot on the prizes. The prize pool is worth 26K with the grand prize being $5000 and the second and third winners get a chance to win $3000 and $2000 in cash. We’re not done yet! The teams from 4th – 10th placings will get $500 prize each and the rest of the prizes list is here .

What are some use-cases where I can use Astra DB?

Astra DB really shines when you need a fast, always on database without the operational overhead.

Some of the use cases of Astra DB are in the following:

  • Ecommerce
  • Streaming
  • Authentication
  • Internet of Things

How do I register?

Here are the first 3 steps to successfully participate in this hackathon:

The hackathon is happening from September 3-5, 2021.

Happy Hacking!
From the AngelHack team.


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