Glimmer DSL for SWT Supports Linux DEB/RPM Packaging

Here is the full list of changes:

  • Support Linux packaging of deb/rpm native executables (not just gems) through standard glimmer package call (e.g. glimmer package[deb] or glimmer package[rpm])
  • Update Glimmer::SWT::ImageProxy implementation of image loading from JAR to use JRuby.runtime.jruby_class_loader.get_resource_as_stream(file_path).to_io.to_input_stream
  • Remove scaffolding/packaging building/using of a generated Java Resource class
  • Force installing gem 'psych', '3.3.2' in scaffolded app as a temporary workaround to psych issues with the latest jruby (jruby-

To learn more about packaging with Glimmer DSL for SWT, check out the Glimmer Packaging and Distribution reference document.

Here is a screenshot of the generated RPM installer (on Red Hat Enterprise Linux) upon running:

glimmer package[rpm]

Here is a screenshot of the generated DEB installer (on Linux Mint Cinnamon) upon running:

glimmer package[deb]

If you are curious about previous Mac and Windows support too, here are screenshots of the generated Mac DMG installer upon running:

glimmer "package[dmg]"

And, here is a screenshot of the generated Windows MSI installer upon running:

glimmer "package[msi]"

Happy Glimmering!