🔥 Trending News, Repos and Products of the day - Digest #94
👤 TencentARC | ⭐ +6,572 stars GFPGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for Real-world Face Restoration.
👤 tailwindlabs | ⭐ +50,326 stars A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
📙 Paper
👤 PaperMC | ⭐ +5,111 stars High performance Spigot fork that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies
👤 Danish Saleem | 👍 +20 reactions The switch statement is another form of conditional logic in JavaScript. In this chapter we will...
👤 Rammina | 👍 +22 reactions Hello there, everyone! I'm making decent progress with designing the Rammina company site's blog!...
👤 Carlo Gino Catapang | 👍 +22 reactions How to secure a Remix and Supabase application using Row Level Security Table...
🔧 sttr
🔧 Forte²
🙌 Wrap Up! That was all for this week.
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