Python challenge_13

Consecutive zeros

The goal of this challenge is to analyze a binary string consisting of
only zeros and ones.

Your code should find the biggest number of consecutive zeros in the string.

For example:

given the string "1001101000110" The biggest number of consecutive zeros is 3.

Define a function named consecutive_zeros that takes a single parameter,
which is the string of zeros and ones.

Your function should return the number described above.
All the best to you.

My Solution

def consecutive_zeros(binary_string):
    binary_list = binary_string.split('1') # ['', '00', '', '0', '000', '', '0']
    biggest_number = max(map(len, binary_list))
    return biggest_number

Aother solution

def consecutive_zeros(bin_str):
    result = 0
    streak = 0
    for letter in bin_str:
        if letter == "0":
            streak += 1
            streak = 0
        result = max(result, streak)
    return result

shorter solution

def consecutive_zeros(bin_str):
    return max([len(string) for string in bin_str.split("1")])

All the best to you.