Make NASA's landing page in 50 minutes - CSS & HTML
Checkout the finished website here:
Watch the YouTube tutorial:
In this video, I make a clone of the nasa.gov landing page. The main purpose of this tutorial is to get some good practice with css grid and css flexbox by building real world projects. This website is also fully responsive.
You can view all the code on Github:
The markup is simple. It is separated into three parts. A header, main content, and a footer. The main content is made of a grid that responsively changes depending on the viewport width. The header is also a grid combined with flexbox children for easy alignment. The footer is a flexbox in itself.
Hello! My name is Sebastian, and I'm a high-school student from Sweden. I have dabbled with some front-end development for the past few months. And since Christmas brake finally arrived, I've decided to start a challenge for myself! I'm going to code for the coming 20 days.
I'm following the front-end career path at Scrimba and I'm currently at module 8 (Flexbox, Grid and Fetch)
By the end of the 20 days I'm hoping to have finished the front-end career path and have started with some backend Node.js development. I will be documenting my progress for the coming days, and filming myself on my Youtube-channel, so feel free to follow along my journey and learn with me!
- Follow my Blog: https://dev.to/sebcodestheweb
- Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCikWIcChAOSwoc2qpbZ6iIA
- Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/zenrigod
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sebcodestheweb/
- Github: https://github.com/SebCodesTheWeb